Planned Parenthood Defunding

Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. So far, over 54,000,000 children have been murdered because of this violent, disgusting practice. If you want proof, I encourage you to watch the above video and look up the scientific facts regarding our life, which begins at conception. If you are a Christian or Jew, I encourage you to have belief in your professed faith and read Exodus 21:22-25, Psalm 139, and Jeremiah 1:5.

Recently, the Susan G. Komen foundation defunded Planned Parenthood (although, with them returning grants as of now, it is likely funding will again resume altogether). There has been myriads of both public outcry and support. Quite frankly, I do not see the need for such controversy. The Susan G. Komen foundation is dedicated to helping women. They hold walks to raise money to try and cure breast cancer and are dedicated to serving the needs of women in some of the hardest times of their lives. Defunding Planned Parenthood amidst controversy does not change this fact, and that Planned Parenthood and its supporters are so violently against this to the point of destroying and intimidating Komen should make one wonder if they really care about women at all, or just money.

Now, regardless if you are pro-life or pro-choice, Susan G. Komen defunding Planned Parenthood should not be an issue. In fact, I should think that pro-choice supporters would be even more ardent in defending Komen’s right to do so.

Planned Parenthood is well-documented for the misconduct that goes on within it. Hence the reason that federal funds are being debated for this organization. On their record thus far is…

  • Aiding sex traffickers and pimps

And another one…

  • Failing to report statutory rape…
  • Failing to report abuse…
  • Incredible racism…
  • Blatant lying and manipulation…
  • The Mona Lisa Project

The Mona Lisa Project was done by the Live Action team as undercover work to expose various aspects of Planned Parenthood. Featured are eight videos of Planned Parenthood employees aiding and covering up illegal activities. There are two videos featured that also expose the lying tendencies of the organization as well.

There are many, many more examples I know of illegal activities that Planned Parenthood and its employees are guilty of besides these ones here. That being the case, one would think that anyone who is pro-choice would be against Planned Parenthood. Pro-lifers have the most valid, obvious reason for opposing the organization. It’s killing babies and damaging – destroying – the lives of women, and conscience of society as a whole. But one would still at the very least think that those in the pro-choice crowd would want to keep a good reputation. The fact of the matter is, the largest abortion provider in America is infamous for its disgusting politics and behavior, as well as its many illegal activities on part of the employees. If anyone was to truly care about women and their choice, they would object loudly against Planned Parenthood. If they cared about the character of people within their own movement, they would make sure they were above reproach. Why, then, is there such an outcry in favor of an organization that lies, is completely fraudulent, is overrun with criminal activities, aids in sexual abuse (rape, incest, prostitution, human trafficking), and quite apparently does not care for racial equality?

God loves children. In His incarnate form, the people He was most tender to were children. His love for them is indescribable and He cherishes them greatly. Christ, our Lord, our Savior, our Almighty God, also loved humanity. “For God so loved the world,” states John 3:16, “that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting Life.” What He does not like is the murder of innocent children and the deception of the very people He loves and created. Planned Parenthood does both of these things, and an unwitting public follows them. Two thousand years ago, the Lord and Savior of our world said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 4:17). It is even nearer now. And what will we be known for? What will we be judged on? Will we fight for the lives of the littlest and least of us, or will we ardently cry with impassioned tongues to slaughter them? Again, Christ calls this generation, this world, “Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” And at hand it is, indeed.

Even if you are not now a Christian, or even a Jew, you should be in loud protest of the degeneration around you. Babies are being killed! Women, men, children are being deceived! There is no neutrality. There is no morality while supporting an organization that blatantly kills children and revels in immorality and the suffering of other humans, choosing profit over the conscience, over morals. We wither as a society while this continues. And the more we support this organization, the more we support Planned Parenthood – fight for this gross corporation – the more blood we have on our hands.Pro-lifers, fight the good fight, run the good race; do not be afraid of how man will judge you, but how God will. When judgment day comes, not only will you be judged for all you have done, but for all you did not do. So serve the Lord our God righteously, do not hold back, and follow His commands. Save the innocent from perishing; hold back those stumbling towards the slaughter. Be courageous, like the Bible – like our Almighty God, our Jesus Christ – commands us to!

Pro-choicers, repent! Face the evil that lies within Planned Parenthood. They are killing our children, our babies. And if you cannot face that, at least face the abuse that lies within their system. Denying the truth will make you no less guilty of the crime than those who committed it with their own hands. You will not be spared that judgment on judgment day.

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